In a polarized world, we inspire people to achieve great things together. Our mission is to help organizations unlock the power of inspirational communication so they can thrive in the Narrative Age. Our award-winning communications channels – intranet, employee app and email – deliver experiences […]
Germany’s increasing educational poverty is threatening to erode the country’s competitive advantage on the international stage, a study shows.Germany is facing a serious human resources problem because of the rising number of insufficiently trained young people, officials with the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce […]
Alia’s anti-banditry partnership with Germany The Nation Newspaper source
Past year anxiety disorder among adults aged 18 or older, by education level: 2008 to 20124Note: Error bars visually represent the variability or uncertainty in the percentages.Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive distress, fear, and avoidance. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and […]
Hogwarts aus Parmesan FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungsource
Die drei Campus der Hochschule Trier blicken auf eine lange und bewegte Geschichte zurück. Mit ihren zwei Vorläufereinrichtungen, der Baugewerkeschule und der Werkkunstschule, hat die Hochschule Trier schon im 19. Jahrhundert zwei Standorte im Herzen Triers vorzuweisen – am Paulusplatz und am Irminenfreihof, dem heutigen Campus […]
Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has taken a trip to see a Bundeswehr operation not currently halted by technical problems; Kurdish peshmerga fighters are being trained to use German anti-tank weapons in Hammelburg. The German defense minister observed training exercises in Bavaria on Thursday […]
Kurdish Peshmerga are being trained in Germany, honing their weapons and tactical skills. The battle against Islamic State militants in Iraq is a matter of life and death. Wolfgang Dick reports from Hammelburg. Mines have become the greatest challenge in the bloody conflict against “Islamic […]
Donnerstag, 21. November 2024Foto: © Constanze Knaack-Schweigstill HWK Trier | November 2024 Der Lehrling des Monats der Handwerkskammer Trier heißt Jonas Bastgen. Er ist der einzige Büchsenmacherlehrling in der Region Trier.Foto: © auremar/ HWK Trier | November 2024 Die Handwerkskammer Trier bietet Interessierten eine kostenlose […]
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